Strolling on 7th Street Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to ... downtown Los Angeles. For one day only, the L.A. Conservatory hosts "Strolling on 7th Street," a self-guided tour of a select stretch of downtown, Seventh Street. Docents will be stationed at eight sites including St. Vincent's Court (formerly Bullock's Department Store), Walker & Eisen's Fine Arts Building (1927), Dodd and Richards' Brock and Co. Jewelers (1922), now hipsterrific whiskey bar Seven Grand; Coulter's Dry Goods, now the Mandel Lofts; Hellman Commercial Trust & Savings Bank (1924); Overell's, now Dearden's Home Furnishings (architect unknown, 1906), among others, with additional locations you can tour on your own. The point here is that, despite what you may have been told, L.A. has a history. Where nothing is real? For tour materials, go to, check-in site location with RSVP; Sun., Nov. 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; $30, $10 kids 12 and under. (213) 623-2489. (Originally published in L.A. Weekly, November 5, 2010.)
posted by Derek Thomas @ 2:53 AM,
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